If your answer is yes or you have already written your first draft and don’t know what to do this blog is for you. I was where you are now this time last year. I had written a manuscript, knew it was going to be the first in a series and had hit a massive brick wall. I had completely overestimated the amount of work I could get done between August and the end of the year. I believed that I could revise the novella (the book was under 40,000 words), and edited and published in four months. I can hear you laughing now. When the realization dawned on me that it wasn’t possible. I stopped everything. I stopped writing, blogging, talking about the book. I played Skyrim to comfort myself.
Why am I telling you all this anyway? Because I might have stopped for a time, but I didn’t give up. I made a plan to revise the book, which became the ebook for sale this coming year. I did research and found what I needed to do to make my dream a reality. Here I am a year from that brick wall and my book will be published this coming spring. My second book the next year. I will also be writing my third book for NaNoWriMo. So don’t give up and find out what you can do to make it happen. I would love to help you achieve your dream of becoming an author. I am offering author mentorships.
How can you sign up for this great project? Send me an email, it’s as simple as that.
Send an email to shireycrow078@outlook.com with the subject line of author mentorship. You will receive a confirmation within 1 to 2 business days.
My beta read project for book 2 has reached its halfway point. The readers are speeding through the chapters and a few will be finished before the project is over. I am very proud that I haven’t been tempted once to read their answers. Unlike my first beta read where I took a ride on the feedback roller coaster. I recommend that you avoid that ride as much as possible.
We have started up the 5-minute writing workshop again. I am so looking forward to writing with this amazing group of people. I have also signed up for a Instagram writing challenge for next month. Even though I will be taking a break from working on the novels I am not taking a break from writing.
I also have a few pots bubbling on the stove top (making plans). Working on my new business venture, social media visibility, and selling my ebook The Book-end Revision Technique. I hope you are just as excited for the new year as I am. The news might be scary but I can keep working on me.
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