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How to Make a Revision Routine


Learning your editing routine versus your writer routine.

Having a routine can help any writer, no matter what time works best for you. When I was younger I was a night owl and found my creative muse awake at night. Now that I am older I find that my creative mind is awake in the morning. Lucky for me so is my editing brain.

Why is routine good for writers?

According to Tri’s article. Why Having a Daily Routine is Important. It provides these concepts. Structure, getting into a certain mind frame to write is helpful. If you have a routine to follow it helps the mind find that state faster. Good habits are often hard wired to be creatures of habit. With a routine, you will find you are more efficient and productive during the day. A daily routine can also decrease negative mental feedback and requires less motivation.

Make a plan, set goals, have a road map.

Now that we know why it is a good thing let's get to work. First, we need to know what the goal is. I am on my first revision of the book Into the Fire. At this stage, I am looking into the flow, character arcs, and story arcs. I am not worried about grammar or micro edits. The first draft has some notes so I could move on, knowing that I could return to these issues in the revision. Your first draft is about getting from the beginning to the end. The revision stage is building a better road map, describing some of the scenery along the way.

Setting goals helps keep you on track. When writing I tried to do a chapter a day. Lucky for me it is a novella and that was very doable. As I revise the manuscript I want to take my time. I worked out that it was better with my other work projects to give myself a whole week to look over a chapter. I know I can do more in a week? Yes, but I also know better than to overwhelm myself and set goals that may not be achievable.

Having a map is often the deciding factor on whether you will reach your destination. I choose to revise my chapters in a different order. For example, my novella is 20 chapters long. I started revising chapter 20 than chapter 1, 19, 2, 18, 3, 17, 4, and so on. This process allows me to look at both ends of the book. I am able to check the external conflict arc, the characters' internal conflict arc, and growth. I am able to see the chapter as if it is. You can read more about that in my blog post Meeting the Editing Fairy. I also know that I will finish the revision in May.

Learn your rhythm.

As I said earlier when I was younger I found my mind was more creative at night. To find your own rhythm try out different times of day if you can. If that isn’t possible because of work or family commitments. A routine will make things easier to fit revising into your life. Some writers find that what works for the creative mind doesn’t work for the revision/editing brain. Only you can find your rhythm.

Have a reward in mind.

This is where I struggle. Rewarding myself is one of the hardest things for me. I am often goal-oriented and sometimes I will make the reward the act of finishing. What ways do you reward yourself for completing a goal? I will update you all when I come up with this one for myself.

Try new things and toss out what doesn’t serve you.

Join writers' groups whether on social media or in person. Learn other techniques and tricks. You never know who will have a great tip that will be helpful. If something isn’t working out for you find a replacement and move forward. Not every method will work for every writer. Also realizing that this is a process and that you will get better with time. I know that many authors will tell you that they know they have improved as each book came along.

You can join my writers group on my Discord server sign up here for the link to join.

Currently working on:

Knowing that Avril is his fated mate is a blessing and a curse.

Talon Gargoyle Detective for P.I.R. (paranormal investigation and registration) The United States answer to learning that magical and mythical creatures exist in the world. Must leave Fort Worth as far as he can get... Rainy Seattle Washington.

There he gets to know a whole new city, new partner, sector chief, and new case. When a fearful elf mage who works for a local jewelry store is found murdered. Talon must keep his focus on the case and not dividing his loyalties by protecting Avril his former partner and fated mate from afar.

Gargoyles mate for life and Avril is mortal. Can he truly let her go and give his loyalties to PIR?

He was always going to have to live without her at some point after all.

When I Left is a fan-only serial novella. To read this novella sign up for my newsletter or become a Wing's member today.

So far I'm 3.002 words into the draft.

I am also prepping for July's Camp NaNoWriMo

What am I reading:

An ARC read for a fellow author Chloe Alice Balkin you can read her books here too.

What I'm watching:

Merch of the Week:

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