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One Year Equals 365 chances


Happy New Year! I have a confession to make. I have never been fond of the Christmas holiday. I am not a Scrooge pre-spiritual revelation, but I have not had a great love for the holiday. Yet New Year’s is one of my favorites. I love the whole idea of clean slates and being a planner and list maker you could see why I would love New Year’s. I enjoy reflecting on the previous year and planning for the future. You will often see me with a calendar in December filling in important dates and making goals. Today I want to share some of those goals with you and find out what you have planned for the new year. Consistency, well a lack of consistency. I am taking my first chance of the year to apologize for my lack of consistency last year. Like many people I deal with depression. Unlike some I do not have access to mental health professionals. As it stands now it means that I have to work through my issues in a slow and it takes time. I have done everything in my power to take control and set myself up for success this year. I will need help staying consistent but I know that it is possible. Luckily I have a great support group and tools at my disposal. Goals, so many great goals. I am getting back to revising and editing the book, Into the Fire. As many writers will tell you editing is the worst part of the job. When I plan my books, I use an outline, and plan out scenes. This leaves the revision and editing until I am finished writing the books first draft. This means I leave the worst part for last, like so many people. Do not fear I have a plan of attack to make the task more bite sized. Goals for January and the year. Letters to Self-challenge. Work on Author’s notebook. Editing and Revising the book, Into the Fire. Draw something once a week. Date nights with the love of my life. Self-care and incorporating it into every day. Read an E.A. Poe tale I haven’t had a chance to read before. Read a book I remember reading in school. Read a book I wish I would have read in school. Watch a classic movie for writing inspiration. You can’t beat a classic meet-cute. Read a comic book I have been meaning to read. Learn American Sign Language, practice every day, every month. Work on craft projects and learn a new craft to keep my mind sharp. What to expect this year from me. I want to share my editing journey with my readers and the planning of the next book with you as well. I also want to write and read more this year and will share my reading challenge with you. I have signed up for a reading challenge on Goodreads dot com. I will share my profile at the end of this post if you want to add me. Keep in touch and let me know what your goals are for this year.

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