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What's it like after you publish your book?


What’s it like after publishing your book?

Wow-what a crazy week. Some of you know that I live in North Texas and you’ve seen that the state is currently under weather we are completely unfamiliar with and don’t have the equipment and know-how to handle. Luckily we still have power at this time, our pipes haven’t frozen, we are safe and have food. On top of all of this weather-related chaos, I published Into the Fire last Sunday the 14th.

So, what is it like after you publish your book?

Well, truly still overwhelming. Work on that manuscript is finished and the book is out there for others to read but my job is no way over. Since I have a very small marketing budget (cough) $0 (cough) I am relying on word of mouth and social media. I’m so glad that I spent a long time working on building a social media base beforehand. The weather and Covid have also put a stall on other cheap or free marketing I could have done as well.

What do you do in this case?

At this moment as I type I’m warming my hands on a cast iron teapot warmer on my desk.


Mind you mine has a small tea light so no large flame.

Here are the tasks I have been doing to help push my book.

  • Create a new graphic for each campaign every workday.

  • Work on my author web page.

  • Create a forum for my ARC/Street team S. A. Crow’s Wings (Wings)

  • Come up with creative ways to advertise my novel and get readers to interact with my website. (Dating profiles for book boyfriends)

  • Hold author chats where I read chapters from the book or next book.

  • Preparing for my book tour.

  • Making vlog videos and advertising my book on Youtube.

Having ideas of ways to advertise your book and/or build your reader community (if you choose this path) is something that you will want to think about. I would love to hear if you have any ideas or things you have done.

If you would like to become a Wing member please take a look at it here.

If you would like to sign up for my newsletter please click here.

If you would like to chat with me on Wednesday’s click here.

Currently, I am reading:

Crazily I am in between books but that won’t last long.

My reading challenge so far:

38 out of 80 books this year.

Listening to:

Write Now with Sarah Werner Podcast


Edwardian Farm from the BBC

Working on:

Editing Book 2 of The Fire Series The Fire Inside for my line editor.

7 chapters in 10 days

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