Why you should try new things at each phase of your writing, push yourself as an author. Find out the signs that you might need to push yourself and things to watch out for if you are pushing too hard. Let’s all become better authors and writers together.
Why should you try new things each time you start a new phase?
Each time I start a new writing project, I do research. Not just research on how to write the tropes I’ll be dealing with or my character’s MBTI. I also research new craft techniques, new ways to outline a novel, or how to find my ideal audience. When I start the revision phase and editing phase, I research new techniques because these phases are the bane of my existence. So why do this? If things have worked in the past, why change things? Because there is a difference between being in the groove and stagnation.
Signs you might be stagnate
The fog of dullness and going through the motions
Being bored by the process, feeling like there is no challenge
Looking for other things to do than work on your project.
Some things to consider
Doing the same thing can cause stagnation
We want to be better authors and some of that requires learning from others
Pushing yourself can cause you to be a better artist
Keep your characters and stories fresh and exciting
Try something new and make it work with what you know works for you
Find other ways to be creative and incorporate them into your daily routine
Soft crafts
Pen pal letters
Take a class, watch other authors on YouTube
Try some challenges
Be careful, though, you don’t want to push too hard.
If you have any of these physical symptoms, you might have pushed yourself too hard
Exhaustion or sleep issues arising from your work
Frequent illness
Headaches and stomachaches
Here are some emotional symptoms to watch out for:
Feeling overwhelmed
Forgetting things
Feeling stressed, anxious, or angry
Feeling sad, depressed or in despair
Relationship symptoms
Frequent fighting
Lashing out at others
Isolating yourself or feeling like you aren’t social enough
Taking offense too easily
Spiritual symptoms
Destructive habits
Skipping spiritual time
Feeling guilt or feeling distant from your spirituality
Practical symptoms
Mistakes at work
Financial problems like overspending and late bills
A messy home
Falling behind at work or school
Maybe take some time and regroup. Remember that a project can wait, but the joy of living can’t. Take care of yourself first before you can give any of yourself to others or your art.
What am I trying this time?
I tried a few new things this time, like the Mott method outline. I’m working in a new sub genre which causes me to have 3 main POV’s instead of my usual 2. The town is going to be a character itself and I’m researching making the environment a character.
What am I working on?
Love Rules
A Romance suspense, reverse harem, motorcycle club, novel set in Southern Louisiana. It has a friends to lovers troupe as well.
How you can follow me on NaNoWriMo.
If you are taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo this July, you can find me and ask to be a buddy. My username is SACrow just send me a friend request.