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5 Tips to Break Down your Goals in 2022 with Quarter planning


Learn tips on how to break down your goals and make what’s most important to you happen in 2022. Quarter planning is a perfect way to get your work done and still make your family and yourself a priority.

You can often find quarter planning, also called the 90 day method. We are going to talk about five easy steps to plan your work and life in 13 weeks, 90 days, 1 quarter at a time.

Do you have parts of your home life or personal goals that take a back seat to the rat race of work or the monotony of everyday life? Have you put off that trip because you do not know how to make time for it in your busy schedule? Do you find the day gets away from you? Does it always feel you have more to do at the end of the day instead of less?

Quarter planning will help you get a handle on your work, make you and your family a priority.

Get out your planners or sign into your Trello or Notion and let’s get started. I want to thank Amber at LifeDev for their Quarterly Planning article here:

What is quarter planning?

Quarter planning, also called 90 day planning, 30-60-90 and other names. Essentially, it is a way to divide the year into 4 quarters of 3 month blocks, an average of 13 weeks, 90 days.

  • Quarter 1 is January-March,

  • Quarter 2 is April-June,

  • Quarter 3 is July-September,

  • Quarter 4 is October-December.

Then you look at your goals and break up your goals into tasks.

Quarter tasks for the big picture goals for the quarter, then break those tasks down into monthly tasks, and even further into weekly and daily tasks. Focusing on your goals in a shorter period helps you see what you need to do to achieve those goals.

You can choose to focus on one quarter at a time or look at your year goals and break them down into all 4 quarters. The lovely thing about quarter planning is that it is flexible. Today we are going to focus on how to plan the 1st quarter of the year.

  1. Brainstorm What do you want to achieve this 1st quarter? Take a few moments, start a timer and free write your goals for the first 3 months of the year. Ask yourself a few questions. What is most important to you and your family? What did you miss out on last year that you regret? What have you always said you wanted to do? Are there things you could do at work if you focused on a goal there? After you have answered some of these questions, let’s move on to the next phase.

  2. Important dates What due dates do you have this quarter? Taxes, bills, birthdays, doctor appointments, or events. Collect these dates and mark them down in a calendar. This task is that simple.

  3. Divide your day You know, an average day for you and your family. When work starts and ends, school and after school events. Find those moments and map them out. This should leave your pockets of time. These pockets of time are easy to divide into smaller bits that you can laser focus on tasks that will get you closer to your goals.

  4. Set boundaries When work ends, shut things down, leave work when it’s done. Move on to the next task on your list, whether it’s time for yourself or your family.

  5. Stick to it You can do so much if you give it a little focus for a short period of time. You can do anything for 90 days.

Keep reading to find out what I’ve got planned for this quarter.

Do you have a word for the year?

What is a word of the year? It’s where you pick a focus word for the year to keep you inspired throughout the year.

Word of the year- Consistency

The achievement of a level of performance that does not in quality.

Word for January- Hustle

Why did I pick a word for the month and the year? Well, it’s reminding me to keep my momentum going. I picked “hustle” for January because I’m on track to get book 2 of The Fire Series published this 1st quarter.


Publish The Fire Inside Book 2 of the Fire Series

Publish Home Fires a Fire Series short in my Newsletter

Host 3 Writing Workshops


Publish Charity Cookbook


Author Interviews

Discord events and writing retreats

Prepare for Camp NaNoWriMo event

Book event


Read more Mysteries and Essays

Daily exercise snacking

Create and stick to a morning and evening routine

Make Healthy food choices and keep my diabetes at bay

Take part in a writing buddy program



College loans

Dental surgery


Doodle monthly challenges

Make one art piece a month


Create a self-care routine

Create and use a self-care kit


Merch of the week

What I’m working on now

Adding the charity information to Cookbook

Proof stage for The Fire Inside

Raven’s Cookbook vote Last Friday of the Month

Fluffy's Food Adventures Seasons 1-3

The Wheel of Time Season 1

Tasting History with Max Miller

Bright Violet Arts


Dots and Beyone


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