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Now What! Revision at Camp NaNoWriMo


The writing life doesn’t end when a book gets published. Even though I’m in the post launch for The Fire Inside book 2 of The Fire Series. I’m also preparing for Camp NaNoWriMo in April. I need to revise my 3rd book so I can hand it off to beta readers this summer. I’ve prepared my trackers and Notion writer section to track my progress for this revision. All I have left to do is summarize the chapters of the book so I have an idea of what is going on in each chapter. What is Camp NaNoWriMo? What is my 3rd book about? How do you track your revision? Do you want to take part in Camp and get some postcards? Are you looking for a writing group to encourage you during Camp? You’ve come to the right place.

What is Camp NaNoWriMo?

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is a non-profit. They host three writing events a year. Two Camp events, one in April and the other in July. The biggest and most well known event is the November Novel writing month event. You can of course use the site to track any project all year. Sign up for NaNoWriMo here.

What am I revising for Camp?

I’m revising If the Seas Catch Fire book 3 of The Fire Series. I wrote this novel last April during camp 61,505

This book is about Steve and Mallory. They were both introduced in book 1 as the best friends to the main characters Travis and Raven.

Steve is a freelance journalist and co-founder of the band Home. Finds after writing an exclusive piece on an extreme BDSM and white slavery group with connections all over the world, his life falls apart. He is blacklisted professionally, and after an embarrassing moment is released on social media his fans are out for his blood. He reaches for the one person he believes can love him for who he is, and believe in him.

Mallory fell into a nice friend with a fantastic benefits relationship with Steve, the best man in her best friend’s wedding. When he wants more from their relationship, she has to decide if she can truly trust that romantic relationships can work for her, despite her family curse. Can she find her way through her fears to stand beside a good man who is wronged and needs her strength?

How I’m tracking my revision?

I’m tracking time spent on the project so my goal is 1800 minutes. Here is a graphic on how to track your Camp project if you aren’t doing a set word count.

How can you announce your Camp project?

If you don’t already have an account with NaNoWriMo just sign up then click announce your project and put in the information and share it with everyone you know so we can cheer you on.

If you already have an account simply click the announce your project and fill in the information. Don’t forget to share it with everyone. I would love to hear about your project for Camp, comment down below.

Join our Camp NaNoWriMo encouragement channel in our Writing Group.

On the Wings for Writers is our Discord Server writing group you can find the link to join here. Follow us on social media and our web page is under construction. When you join there is a video with tips and how to use the server. When you get familiar with the server you can share your project in our campnano channel and we will cheer you on every day.

How you can find me on NaNoWriMo and send me a buddy request?

I freely admit that NaNoWriMo’s email system could use some work but it is fun to chat with others while they are doing NaNo. You can search for me here, type in my user name SACrow I’ll be happy to accept your buddy request.

Special Camp Project- Postcard swap.

I think this is my 3rd year signing up to take part in the postcard swap hosted by a member of NaNoWriMo. You can find the post here on NaNoWriMo’s forums here. I’ve found some great friends and been able to keep them as pen pals long after the event. I highly recommend it.

Who's Line is it Anyway 🤣

Badasswriters podcast


This Wednesday The Writing Buddy Program is hosting a meet up on Discord at 5pm Central time

Massive Author Giveaway on our Facebook Group on the 20th check it out here and join our group so you don’t miss out.

We interview Alice Hanov the 23rd at 5pm Central time

We vote on the next featured recipe for Raven’s Cookbook 2022 on the 25th

I’m interviewed on the 26th

Book Signing the 27th

Book Club meeting the 30th

Don’t miss my social media book tour

Friday mornings I host writing sprints on YouTube from 9-11 central time

Saturday afternoons I host plan with me sprints on YouTube from 1-3pm central time

What I’ve been up to- Game night?

My lovely wife Jenn decided to start up table top role play gaming on Discord a week or so ago. Several of us gathered together and created our teenage characters for a Hero’s Unlimited game. Here is my character and what power she received when she ran into a creature at the school's field trip to the Air and Space Museum in Virginia.

Get a free story on my Newsletter!

Sign up for my

and get access to a free seasonal short Home Fires. This is a continuation of Travis and Raven’s story from Into the Fire and takes place between The Fire Inside book 2 and book 3 of The Fire Series. You can get The Fire Inside now and Into the Fire for .99 in celebration of my 2nd novel coming out here.

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