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The 5 Things I Learned on My Meditation Challenge


My personal meditation space.

1)Pick a date, the number of days, and time of day.

I picked up Mantra Meditations 40 Day Challenge from a Pinterest post. Picking to start my journey on Ash Wednesday. Try picking on the first day of a month making it a month long challenge.

Why you need to make a challenge challenging?

According to James Clear’s Huffington Post article Forming New Habits. We know that it takes two months to create a habit. Yes you heard that right 66 days for you to make a habit a part of your normal life.

Set up a time of day to do your meditation. Doing a behavior at a similar time everyday will also make things easier. You can also work with your life partner, roommates, and child care to make time for your meditation.

2) Use what you have and only buy what you need.

The challenge that I picked suggested that you own a mala beads. Mala Collection has a wonderful article on what mala beads are and how to pick a set. I had every intention to use what I had and not buy what I didn’t need. I was lucky to have a location to practice, a pillow to use as meditation cushion, candles, and incense. I was lucky and ran across a set of mala beads on a adventure. They are a lovely set of brown tigers eye beads and I adore them. These beads will come in very handy when I am house sitting next month and can’t take my mediation space with me.

3) Set up your space

Picking somewhere in your space that is quite, or can be private is important. I share my home with four other roommates. I picked a corner of my bedroom to set up my space in.

4) Make the challenge fun

We made calming jars and I used mine for a quick meditation at the end of the day. Also my roommates have used theirs as well at times of stress.

A roommate also gave me a glitter lamp that I have used in the same way we used the calming jars.

5) Keep track

Reward yourself for completing the challenge. Share your triumphs and those not so easy days. I admit that I missed three days if you count full meditations. If you count finding calm in stressful situations. I know that because of my meditation practice I was able to find peace in stressful moments. Than I am at the 100% success rate for this challenge.

Meditation has helped me find a place inside myself, allowing me the time to find a center and purpose.

I hope that you challenge yourself. Please tell us about your challenge and journey. We would love to take the journey with you.

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