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Writing Challenge


Spring Writing Inspiration Instagram Challenge

We all need a little inspiration to get writing, get back to writing, or try new ideas. I will be doing a Instagram challenge for the full month of February. We will use the hashtag #springwritingchallenge.

Feel free to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable, but make sure you go over the challenge per day. I hope that you all grow through this challenge as I expect I will grow as well. Make sure to get notifications on your phone, click on the “...” in the top right corner of my Instagram profile, then pick “Turn on Post Notifications.”

Challenge starts on February 1st, 2018, use #springwritingchallenge on your post. This challenge will end February 28th, 2018 with a conclusion blog post on March 1st. I can’t wait to see how these prompts will inspire you. You can take part at any point in the challenge. The most important is to share your work with the #springwritingchallenge.

1st. Take a walk and find inspiration in your neighborhood.

2nd. Go to a local book store and find inspiration from their displays.

3rd. Pick 3 numbers between 1-10 then find a photo site and write on those photos.

4th. Superbowl.

5th. Visit your local farmers market.

6th. 5-minute writing with friends *

7th. Title in your own words. Pick a genre, then a title, and use the title as inspiration.

8th. Day in the life of your pet.

9th. People watch at a local coffee shop or cafe

10th. How would you continue your favorite movie. Have you ever wondered what would happen after the ending.

11th. Think back to an embarrassing moment.

12th. Rain 5-minute writing, pick different types of rain and write on one or more.

13th. Mardi Gras.

14th. Romantic moment.

15th. Spring festivals in your town.

16th. Chinese New Year.

17th. Random acts of kindness.

18th. Spring cleaning adventure, maybe from a dust motes point of view.

19th. Cherry blossoms.

20th. Stargazing.

21st. Game night.

22nd. Homemade lemonade.

23rd. Puddles.

24th. Bike ride

25th. Outdoor concert.

26th. Fairy tale.

27th. Sunrise.

28th. Craft: 5-minute writing idea jar.

*5-minute writing is where you take a word, phrase, memory and set a timer for 5 minutes and write until the timer goes off.

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