1st) Adventure
The path lay ahead of me, dark and full of brambles to catch my clothing. Behind me lay track after track of experience as far as the eye could see. Should I take that first step into darkness or stay safe on the shores of the known. I wrestled with indecision like a two-year-old over a favorite toy for a heartbeat or so, and then lurched forward onto the path. I looked straight ahead safe in the knowledge that I can and have done this very thing before.
2nd) Blind
He lived with her every day. Woke up beside her warm soft body every morning. Removed her arm from his side and crawled out of bed to start his day. Slowly washing her scent from his body in the shower.
He heard her laugh from the kitchen as she listened to some show. Listened to her made coffee and lunches for them both. The sound of her bare feet dancing in the kitchen.
He replied in one word sentences to her texts throughout the day. And every night he dragged himself home to her again. He never realized how.....
3rd) Found in the thrift store
There it was in the dusty back of the thrift store, shining with an inner light. It’s sides patina with years of oxidization. The elegant curves of the handle and spout drawing her hand to touch. They went so well with the dignified lid that was almost the shape of a long ago gentleman's hat. Her fingers brushed the cold metal side and her eyes filled with wonder as the area filled with purple smoke. The deepest most masculine voice spoke among the smoke filling the area.
“Hello my dear and what is your desire?” he asked as he slowly formed before her eyes. Tall, muscular, and fully naked.
4th) A tick in time
It was a moment ago wasn’t it, when we were young and so in love.
It was forever ago when I took your hand and we really started that journey.
It was just a blink of an eye when we started to disagree.
It was an age ago when you last touched me, laughed with me.
It was just yesterday when I realized you had stopped loving me.
It is today when I took back my life and reached for a future.
It is funny how time changes, how we change time.
5th) Heads or tails
He smiled all the way to his eyes and the lite with mischief as he looked into mine. The wind blew through my hair braiding strands as it went. “If it’s heads I kiss you, and tails you kiss me,” he said as he twitched the large coin between his hands. The anticipation filled my body, tingling through my limbs making me tremble. My first kiss decided by fate, the toss of a coin. “Bring it,” I said as I tilted my head at a sharp angle waiting for him to chicken out. The coin left his hand spinning....