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May Milestones to June Ambitions: S.A. Crow Reflects and Plans

Writer: S. A. CrowS. A. Crow

Monthly recap series

I'm romance suspense novelist of the Fire series and owner of the publishing company Black Bird Books Publishers. You can find my urban fantasy noir mystery series written under my other pen name Ann Crow.

You can join my community if you're reader or as a writer/author.

This blog post is about reflecting on how May went for me and setting goals for June 2024. As you work on your dreams and goals, it's important to look back and see how far you've come. Sometimes that view gives you the much-needed push to keep moving forward.

May Recap

Writing Achievements

Into the Fire 2nd edition is up on Amazon, the paperback version will be up soon there and other sites hopefully soon.

I've also started the revision of The Fire Inside 2nd edition it should be ready in mid-June so keep your eyes out for cover ideas and updates on my social media.

My new editing routine has sped up the time it takes to edit a chapter.

Personal Growth and Learning

I've been watching tv shows and movies from Asia and Southeast Asia which has given me new perspectives on writing and culture. These have also inspired a few story ideas which I'm happy to inform you all that I have been making notes on them, so they will be on my draft stage list sometime soon.

I've started learning the Cranberries song "Zombie" on the guitar. It's been stretching my fingers and my brain which makes me so happy.

I and the dogs have begun a walking schedule. This beneficial addition to my workout routine is helping me address my fatty liver disease.

Community Engagement

Sadly. someone hacked my Instagram account. Instead of dwelling on the problem, I've taken action against the hacker with Instagrams' help and I created a new account. So, if you followed my old Instagram, stop following that account and join me here.

I did a charity live stream to raise awareness on our charity of the year and our cookbook, "Raven's Cookbook Vol. 3"

I've worked on the writing group On the Wings for Writers' Book giveaway. We'll be emailing authors to see if they will join us. I would love to hear of any indie authors you would like to see join this giveaway.

I've made a freebie for my newsletter readers! If you haven't signed up for my newsletter do that today so you don't miss out.

I've created some new merch in the store. Drop by and get your mugs, stickers, and more.

Celebrated Buddha's birthday by washing my Buddha statue and taking a cleansing bath.

I've watched

I'm also surviving the powerful storms rolling through the north Texas area. Our back porch awning didn't make it.

Goals for June

Writing Objectives

I'm on the editing phase of the writing cycle. I'll be finishing the edits for the 2nd edition of "The Fire Inside" and adding the story to the box set eBook "Burning Desires".

If I finish that project, I will start on the novella "Small Embers", a prequel to the Fire series.

Publishing and Marketing Goals

Q3 sticker pack for planners

Launch project for "Burning Desires," "The Fire Inside," and "Small Embers."

Email authors to take part in We Wish you a Merry Bookmas Giveaway.

Grow my Marketing reach

Learning and Development

Date Myself

Continue to find fresh additions to my health routine

Learn to play the song "Zombie"

My word of the month is Tranquility

Community and Networking

Creating the charity list for On the Wings for Writers to vote on for the 2024 "Raven's Cookbook."

Q3 plan for On the Wings for Writers

June 1st Thursday community video

Writing Sprint Lives on YouTube

Tea Time with S. A. Crow live on YouTube

Arlington Pride event

Share social media support for the Author of the Month

What are your own achievements and goals?

Follow me on social media and YouTube for more frequent updates.

Next Week's Blog post

Check out the new edition of "Into the Fire" book 1 of the Fire series, Travis and Raven's story.

The latest novel in the Fire series "If the Seas Catch Fire," is out now. This is Steve and Mallory's story.

You can get the free download of "Code of Fire"

Also writers and authors check out my "The Bookend Revision Technique" resource book today!

Check here for my Planners and other printables! Keep a lookout for my Q3 sticker set coming soon.


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