Hello to the close of another year. This is a time of reflection and review for many of us who use planners, set goals, and look forward to a bright new year. Many people have already laid out their planner line up and even some goals for the new year! I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it is now the middle of December. But we must carry on and move forward.
My process of planning out a new year is really only planning out the first quarter of the year. It is so much easier for me to look at the year in 3 month blocks than a whole year ahead. So I have set some yearly goals, but I dig down and make much more specific quarterly goals.
Goal setting takes me some time to complete because I want to make sure that the goals I set are truly attainable and not just on the fly. I always set one writing related goal and one self-care/health goal. Those two are my main priority, however this year I am going to set a third goal, it will be more social media based.
Goal 1: To write and publish at least 2 books in 2022.
Q1 Goal: To brainstorm, outline and begin drafting book 1 of the year. (no spoilers here friends).
Goal 2: To increase daily energy and decrease stress through healthy eating habits, increased movement, and daily journaling.
Q1 Goal: To set up a daily/weekly routine that includes at minimum one day off from social media and writing. Seems easy enough. This is a goal I can stack on in future months/quarters.
Goal 3: To increase social media presence on FB, IG and my blog through daily/weekly posts.
Q1 Goal: Set up a posting routine that includes scheduling a bulk of my social media posts. And spending no less than one hour per day interacting on social media platforms.
Ok, that is terrific. I have set my goals. They are attainable, reasonable and measurable. But how will I track them? What planners will I use?
I use a monthly/weekly/daily set up. I don’t have any specific planner at this point because I am in a bit of a planner frenzy. Which one will work, which one isn’t overly cluttered with color and design? Do I want to continue to use a bullet journal for my daily to do lists? So many questions. I have a little bit of time to figure out the answer, however there is still one thing I need to plan in conjunction with my goals. Projects!
What can you expect to see from me in the upcoming year?
Well hopefully at least 2 books. I have one I hope to release in the summer and one around Halloween. But there might be another surprise in the works also.
In addition to my writing I am hoping to give one or two workshops this year.
I am part of an amazing collaboration project with SACrow. We have partnered up to host On the Wings of Friends Writing buddy Program. This is a six month program and I can’t wait to see how it turns out!
I will once again be taking part in Preptober and NaNoWriMO 2022. For the 2022 year I am planning on including some vlogs for both Oct & Nov.
Twelve exciting months are coming up and you just never know what fun things will pop up! Head on over and join the discord server and see what else is cooking!

A bit about Brandy -The Unorganized Writer:
She started writing when she was in her early teens, mostly poems and short stories she shared with family and friends. She stopped writing until she was well into adulthood. She lives in the Midwest of the United States with her family, and a dozen (yes 12), cats.
This will be her first published work, and she has plans to release two more in the series not long after the release of Kiss Me at Midnight. You can find some of her short stories or teasers on her social media or in her newsletter (when she finally gets it to work correctly).
Brandy prefers to work with her writing community and supports not only groups on Facebook, but on Instagram and in Discord. There is no better place to be than on the wings of friends.
If you are interested in learning more about her or her projects, you can head on over to the following places to follow, like and subscribe.
Website: theunorgainzedwriter.net
IG: theunorgainzedwriter2021
On the Wings for Writers Discord:https://discord.gg/vFD7pjas