A Self-Care for Author’s blog series blog.
We’ve delved into mindfulness and self-care for writers and authors in this blog series. Today’s blog post focuses on the impact these practices have on your creativity and focus, two important tools in your writer toolbox.
Mindful writing practices opens a doorway to an amazing journey for writers to deepen our craft and enhance our well-being. It’s so much more than getting your booty in the seat or touching pen to paper, it’s creating awareness of the moment and your intention. Doing this, you can build a connection between mind, body, spirit, and creativity.
Exploration of how mindfulness cultivates creativity:
Mindfulness cultivates creativity through our subconscious mind in practices like;
The technique known as Morning Pages, which was popularized by Julia Cameron in her book “The Artist’s Way,” may be familiar to you. This daily writing exercise serves as a powerful tool for writers to override their inner critic, giving them direct access to the unprocessed thoughts and ideas that originate from their subconscious mind.
Free writing is a technique that lets writers express their thoughts without any restrictions or criticism. Set a timer for a designated period, such as 10 or 15 minutes, and write continuously without stopping. This process helps writers access their creativity and intuition by bypassing their analytical mind and tapping into their subconscious.
One of my favorite free writing practices is called 5-min writing. This is similar in the fact that you set a timer for 5 minutes but instead of relying on your own thoughts you pick a prompt to use.
Mindful observation is being aware of surroundings and inner experiences without judgment. Mindful observation involves sensory experiences and reflection for writers. Being mindful allows writers to uncover fresh ideas and connections from their subconscious.
Keeping a dream journal is a powerful way to access the rich tapestry of imagery and symbolism that emerges from the subconscious mind during sleep. Upon waking, writers can jot down any dreams or fragments of dreams they remember, along with any associated thoughts or emotions. Exploring the themes and motifs in their dreams can help writers understand their inner psyche and find inspiration for their writing.
Mindful meditation is about focusing on your breath, body sensations, or other things to be aware of. By cultivating a regular meditation practice, writers can quiet the chatter of the mind, cultivate inner stillness, and create space for the wisdom of the subconscious to emerge. Insights, ideas, and creative solutions may arise spontaneously during meditation or in the moments of quiet reflection that follow, providing writers with fresh perspectives and inspiration for their work.
The impact of mindfulness techniques on one of the most common challenges for writers, creative or writing blocks. A creative or writing block can develop for many reasons;
Mindfulness techniques can overcome this obstacle and get you back to writing.
We covered some practices in the first blog in this series. Mindful writing boosts creativity and focus.
Research on the connection between mindfulness and creativity has grown in recent years, providing insights into how mindfulness practices can enhance creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. While the field is still evolving, several studies have yielded promising findings:
Experts in the field of mindfulness and creativity offer insights into the mechanisms underlying this relationship and its practical implications:
Dr. Ellen Langer, a renowned psychologist and mindfulness researcher, emphasizes the role of mindfulness in promoting cognitive flexibility and breaking cognitive habits that can inhibit creativity. She suggests that mindfulness cultivates a state of “mindful creativity,” characterized by openness, curiosity, and a willingness to explore new possibilities.
Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman, a cognitive psychologist and creativity researcher, highlights the importance of mindfulness in enhancing self-awareness and emotional regulation, which are essential components of the creative process. He suggests that mindfulness practices can help individuals overcome self-doubt, fear of failure, and other psychological barriers to creativity.
Dr. Amishi Jha, a neuroscientist and mindfulness researcher, explores the neural mechanisms underlying mindfulness and its impact on attention, cognitive control, and creativity. She suggests that mindfulness training can enhance attentional capacities and cognitive flexibility, leading to improvements in creative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Research and experts agree that mindfulness can boost creativity by increasing flexibility, self-awareness, and creating a conducive flow for creative expression. Mindfulness is gaining recognition for its ability to enhance well-being and cognitive functioning. It’s also being explored for its potential to unlock creativity and innovation.

And always Stray Kids