What I am learning about starting my own publishing business and what I'd do better?
I can imagine the first question some may be asking, is. Do I need to create my own publishing company if I'm going to self publish?
That is a great question. Here is what a few people say on the subject before I give my own advice.
Independent Publisher has an article on this with pros and cons of creating your own publishing company. Also the Alliance of Independent Authors has a good article as well. If this is the way you want to go I highly recommend looking up some how to articles and check out what your state requirements are for starting your own business.
Some of you will know that I am publishing my first novel over a years ago, on Feb. 14th, 2021. For those of you that are new, hello, and welcome. I created my publishing company Black Bird Books Publishers in January of the same year. Since then I've published a novella that you can download for free in my newsletter and published the 2nd novel in the Fire Series in March of 2022.
Well, being an indie author and publisher you end up being your publishing company CEO, PR manager, Customer Service rep., HR department, and artist wrangler. Doing all of this in a normal year is daunting but during Covid-19 it is so much fun. Let’s what I did in starting my publishing company.
Created a name
Created logo and art for business
Set up an email address for business
Created a web page for business
Set up a business bank account
Got an address for my business
Went to the County Clerks office and submitted my DBA (doing business as) form. Paid $20 in parking and went to two locations to do this one task. And the fee for the DBA was $24
Downloaded an art program to work on the book cover dimensions.
Doing all of these while revising the last 5 chapters of the novel, social media campaigns, book launch items, and my day job. The screams were safely confined to my head don’t worry.
What would I do differently?
To tell you the truth I wouldn't do anything differently. I'm happy to call myself a publisher and published author. Sometimes it's a good thing to leap off the cliff and take the chance few take.
If you want to self-publish or create your own publishing company I would love to hear from you. Also if you have questions, need tips or tricks you can always hire me.