Author Interview-Selina
We were lucky enough to interview Selina Fenech last month. Sadly my recorder program lost the recording of the interview so here is Plan B. I’m honored to introduce you to this amazing artist and author from Australia.
Born in 1981 to Australian and Maltese parents, Selina lives with her family near Sydney, Australia. During her life Selina has found ancient Roman treasure, survived cancer, had knights joust at her wedding, earned a living from her art by age twenty-three, eaten every bizarre and wonderful food put in front of her, written numerous novels and painted hundreds of artworks.
I first found Selina Fenech through her artwork. I have one of her coloring books and thought I would look the artist up and open a Pandora’s box of goodness.
Not only does she have art books, coloring books, and novels, but also so much more.
Art Prints and Originals
Coloring Canvases
Framed Prints
Gifts & Homeware
Urban Fantasy series the newest just dropped in early July of 2022
If you like non-stop action, super-charged romance, and dire consequences, then you’ll love this young adult superhero series from award-winning author Selina A. Fenech.
Fairy Tale Retellings
In this modern day, urban fantasy retelling of Rumpelstiltskin, can a young woman escape a cage of gold and lies?
Growing up on the streets, Zari used to dream of a fairytale ending.
Until she found out that magic was real, and witnessed the horrible consequences. On that day she learned that the billionaire who lords over the city keeps people with the gift of magic as his personal slaves. And none can escape him alive.
When Zari's drunken father boasts that "his daughter" has magic, Zari will do anything to protect her little sister. Even take her place as a slave.
But how long can she survive the billionaire's cruel tests and tasks when she can't cast a single spell?
Actress Kaitlyn French only took the role of ‘vampire’s sexy victim’ because she needed the cash. It turned out to be the role of a lifetime. Held at the mercy of a real vampire who thinks she’s the tastiest of them all, Kaitlyn is sure she’s hit rock bottom. She’s wrong.
Vampire factions fight over Kaitlyn’s unique blood and what it can do. Facing a future she never imagined is hard. Escaping a horde of hangry vampires is even harder. Will Kaitlyn win her freedom before she is drained dry?
You’ll love the brooding vampire men, heart-racing action, and fairy tale ending a twist in this fresh and fun vampire series.
The award winning, illustrated young adult fantasy series by Selina A. Fenech
We talked about her favorite characters in her novels, how she got started, and her writing process.
I’m so glad we get to share this amazing person with you all. Check out her page, shop, books, and more here.
You can find Selina on social media
