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So you want to create a new character for your novel?

How to create a new character for your novel?

You’ve probably been in a situation where you’re watching a movie or TV show and a character just jumps out at you. They’re so well-developed and interesting that you can’t help but wonder how the writers came up with them. The same can be said of books–some characters just stay with us long after we’ve finished reading. So, how do writers create such memorable characters? If you’re struggling to create a new character for your latest novel, here are some questions to ask yourself that will help you get started.


When you sit down to write a new character, it's helpful to have a list of questions to ask yourself. This will help you get to know your character better and make them more three-dimensional. Some things consider are: what is their background, what motivates them, what are their fears and flaws, and what do they want out of life? You can also look to real-life people for inspiration–either people you know or public figures. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, there are several websites that can help you create a new character. So if you’re looking to create a new character for your next novel, keep reading for a list of questions to ask and websites to visit for inspiration!

All stories start with the character.

Characters drive the story, Plot is what they encounter. Share the video from Abby. One of my favorite author tips from Abby here is a video to help you grasp this idea.

Why not try using characters you know or actors as your inspiration?

My first novel in The Fire Series Into the Fire, my main Character Travis Short, is based on the actor Christian Kane. You can also check out the actors and models that inspired some of the main characters in my Fire Series so far here at the Fire Dating page.

Do you have a favorite character from novels, comic books, graphic novels? Do you have a favorite character from an anime, television show, movie? Do you have an actor, model, or famous person in mind for this character?

Ask yourself these questions:

What do you love about them? What do you not like about them? What do you know about your example? Do a little research on their lives or what the author was doing with this character. What are their distinctive features, and how would you describe them? How can you put your spin on them?

You can use websites like Pinterest to help you get started

I love using Pinterest to keep track of inspiration for my novels. Here is how you can do the same. Here are a few examples of my book inspiration boards.

  • Into the Fire Board

  • The Fire Inside Board

  • If the Seas Catch Fire Board

  • The Nights will Flame with Fire Board

Keeping Track of your Characters information

Use a site like Google Docs, Dropbox, Notion, ext.

  • I have a folder in my Google Docs titled stories, in that folder I have my series of folders and standalone stores. Under these I have the book folder and then a breakdown in each of those of characters, inspiration, notes, drafts, and more.

Use a Writers Notebook

  • Notion: Oh my writing companion. I have a writer page that contains all my tracking, including each story and its characters, story notes, series notes, characters, and more. If you would like to learn more about how to set up a notebook like this, take my Writers Notebook workshop (it’s on sale for Cyber Monday)

Or you could try creating a character from scratch

If you decide to go on this route, here are some helpful tips:

Use a generator: links to some of my favorites

Another great place to get character ideas is One Stop for Writers

Use MBTI, enneagrams, Chinese or Western Astrology.

Myers Briggs

  • In personality typology , the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The test attempts to assign a value to each of four categories: introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving. One letter from each category is taken to produce a four-letter test result, such as “INTJ” or “ESFP”.[1][2][3]


  • As a typology, the Enneagram defines nine personality types (sometimes called “enneatypes”), which are represented by the points of a geometric figure called an enneagram ,[2] which indicate connections between the types. There are some different schools of thought among Enneagram teachers and their understandings are not always in agreement.[2]

Chinese Astrology

  • Chinese astrology is also a branch or practice of astrology that is majorly practiced in the Chinese sub-continent of the world. It was developed and established during the Zhou Dynasty and became popular during the Han Dynasty. This system of astrology is based on the traditional Chinese Astrology calendar and astronomical principles. You will be even more amazed to know that it has its own zodiac signs represented by various animals. Moreover, it takes into account five primary elements that are assigned to the five classical planets. Let’s gain an in-depth understanding. astrology is also a branch

Western Astrology

  • Western astrology is the system of astrology most popular in Western countries. Western astrology is historically based on Ptolemy‘s Tetrabiblos (2nd century CE), which in turn was a continuation of Hellenistic and ultimately Babylonian traditions.

  • Western astrology is largely horoscopic, that is, it is a form of divination based on the construction of a horoscope for an exact moment, such as a person’s birth as well as location (since time zones may or may not affect a person’s birth chart), in which various cosmic bodies are said to have an influence. Astrology in western popular culture is often reduced to sun sign astrology, which considers only the individual’s date of birth (i.e. the “position of the Sun” at that date).

Here is how I came up with my characters for The Night will Flame with Fire Book 4 in the Fire Series.

I created Malcolm in Book 1 Into the Fire when I needed Tony to call in the troupes. I already knew him and had started a bit of a backstory for him. It wasn’t until I was planning book 3 If the Seas Catch Fire (in developmental edit at the moment) that I knew Malcolm needed a novella Small Embers (in revision stage) back story to flow into his book, The Nights will Flame with Fire (current NaNoWriMo project 2022). Malcolm is based on the actor Chris Pine, and the Myers Briggs personality INTP The Logician.

Small Embers

Linda’s normal day is thrown for a loop when she’s partnered with the new student in the fourth period chemistry lab. Little did she know that he’d be the love of her life and that she’d do everything to make sure he can be the best he can be. Even if that means he believes the worst of her for the rest of their lives.

Linda’s sister is Julie, and she hangs out with Linda and Malcolm throughout their high school days. Malcolm burns some bridges with Julie that will haunt them both through The Nights will Flame with Fire book 4.

Julie came out of writing that novella, Small Embers. Julie is based on the model Tess Holliday and the Myers Briggs personality ENTJ, The Commander

You can use these personality types to see how they will handle different situations, for example, type in what is the fatal flaw of an INTP and you will get a result. It’s very handy to help keep your character from changing too much in your manuscript. It will also help give you a character arc to work with because you can learn what they need to work on and how for themselves and if you are writing romance, you can see how they need to help their partner and themselves. Hence character arc.

And there you have it!

If you are having trouble coming up with a new character for your novel, don’t worry! You are not alone. Many writers find it difficult to create new characters that are interesting and believable. However, there are some things you can do to make the process easier. Follow our blog for more writing tips and tricks, and if you are feeling stuck, pick a personalized writing coaching package today.

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