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  • Writer's pictureS. A. Crow

I am back, with awesome news

I finished the 3rd revision of Into the Fire today. Somehow I added 10,238 words making the story itself 42,780 words long. It was not an easy job. It wasn't the revision that was hard, my beta readers did a wonderful job helping me see where readers would want to know more or have certain things explained or described.

So what made this revision so hard? Depression, this creature is the greatest villain I have. I am happy to announce that I finally admitted to myself that I have this villian in my life and I need to seek help in fighting him. If you need help it is ok to ask for it. I am starting a journey with my depression and I will fight it without medication as long as I can.

I do apologize that the blog was a casualty of the war, I will endeavor to build up and heal the blog along with myself.

Today I am formatting the novel for my line editor, it is an awesome day.

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