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  • Writer's pictureS. A. Crow

Inspiration for Into the Fire

I have done it. I am only three chapters away from the end of the book. So to celebrate I thought I would share the inspiration for this novella with you. I am also going to give you a chance to pick the cover art for the book, keep reading for more information on how you can vote.

Yes if you have not guessed that is Christian Kane who is the inspiration for Travis Short. Now for voting for the cover art. To vote for the cover art, scroll down to look at the two samples. Then comment on this blog post for your favorite cover art. I will let everyone know which wins next Wednesday. You will also be able to vote on my Facebook page as well.

Sample One.

Sample Two.

Do not forget to comment on this blog post on which sample you prefer for the cover art. Check back next Wednesday to find out which sample is the winner.

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