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  • Writer's pictureS. A. Crow

Mid-year Check in

Mid-year check in

Wow, May was a so full of events and planning. I accomplished so many things that are bearing fruit already. Last year I took part in a Instagram challenge by Whitney McGruder. And I decided to make it a part of my life. Before I start with what I have planned lets first wrap up May.

May 2018

  • I finished revising and doing a mild editing of the last four chapters of Into the Fire.

  • I set up the beta reader group on Facebook.

  • I made questions for each chapter and the book as a whole.

  • I had 15 people sign up to be beta readers for the beta reader project.

  • My roommate graduated from UTA with her Bachelors in Accounting.

  • I voted in my state.

  • I finished rereading Harry Potter books 1,2,and 5

  • I quit working for Instacart for my health

  • I published 2 blogs

  • A recap of April

  • 5 things I wish I knew before I set up my beta reader project

  • I got my hair dyed to purple, here is a photo.

The Beta read project

I am so very lucky for every reader taking part in this project. This has allowed me to do some amazing work. We started the project on June 1st. On June 3rd I had my first live chat with the readers. We had a great turn out and it was so lovely to talk about characters that I have been living with for a year. It was like introducing friends that haven’t met before and it being an amazing party.

I broke my own rules on the 2nd day of the project. My biggest rule was that I wasn’t going to look at the feedback from the readers until the end of the project. Something made me check to see if any of the readers had filled out the first chapters questions. Then a voice in my head said “go ahead and scroll down and see what they said.” Oh my inner critic was in her plushy cushy seat with a massive tub of popcorn. She had some “lovely” trollish things to say to me. I was more mad at myself for breaking and looking. So far it has been 3 days and counting since I looked. My roommates are making a workplace sign for me. X days since Shirley has looked at stuff she shouldn’t.

I was so happy to find out that three of my readers were already on chapter 6 in the first week of reading. I am making happy little spread sheets of their progress to make me smile. Even though this is the most scariest thing I have done ever. I would highly recommend it to every author. The best thing so far is that they are able to look at the work with the fresh eyes I can never have. I have lived with this story and these characters for a year. I know what I mean to put on the page. They are the ones that are telling me if I did put it on the page or not.

I will be writing an ebook next month on how to set up a beta reader project using Google Drive and Facebook groups.

Ebook How to do a Bookend type Revision

This month I will start working on my revision technique. This ebook should be available in early July and will run $10. You can contact me to be on the list for a special price of $5.

Special sale price for Bookend type Revision ebook requirements

  • If you comment on this post. Your name, email address, and how you heard about this contest before June 30th, 2018. You will the ebook for half off the normal price of $10.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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