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  • Writer's pictureS. A. Crow

12 Questions About My Newest Romance Novel Character

I’m happy to introduce the newest member of the Fire Series family. Everyone meet Emily Knox. The inspiration for Emily came from a few places in my twisted author mind. So today I would like to not only introduce you to the female lead in the 5th novel in the Fire Series “Fire from Ashes” that I’m drafting this month for Camp NaNoWriMo, but also show you how I go about this process.

Question 1) What's the case that inspired this story?

My non-guilty pleasure is watching and listening to true crime cases. I subscribe to many true crime YouTube channels and podcasts. Since I write romance suspense and noir mystery stories it’s not that uncommon. One day while working on other projects I picked a true crime video to watch Cases with Surprise Twists.

The case that stuck with me was the serial killer Charlie Brandt. I was fascinated by the little bits I learned about his sister and that is where the story began to form for me.

Question 2) What about this case inspired the story?

I’m fascinated with the fact that for many people the case is over. They listen, read, or hear the story of a crime and then they are done with the story. Yet for the people that these crimes ripple out to, it’s never done. I love to write the story of those people who have been affected by crimes.

Question 3) What's her name?

The name Emily means "rival" or "industrious" and has English origins. In choosing the name for the female lead in "Fire from Ashes," I wanted a name that conveyed strength and determination. Emily's character is faced with many challenges and obstacles throughout the story, and I thought this name was fitting for her.

Question 4) Why doesn't she share the same last name as her brother?

She doesn’t share the same last name as her brother where she picked their mother’s last name of Knox, her brother staid with their father’s family name.

Question 5) What tools I use to create and write my characters?

Many authors use different devices to create and keep characters on track, from astrology signs, Enneagrams, and other devices. I personally use Myers Briggs personalities. I picked ENTP.

Question 6) What is the ENTP personality mean?

The ENTP personality type is known as the "Debater" and is characterized by being quick-witted, curious, and innovative. They are often seen as charming and confident, but may also come across as argumentative or insensitive. ENTPs thrive in situations that require problem-solving and creative thinking, and may struggle with routine or repetitive tasks. They enjoy exploring new ideas and concepts and may have a tendency to play devil's advocate in discussions. Overall, ENTPs are adaptable and enjoy exploring all possibilities before making a decision.

I picked ENTP to match Nate’s ISTP personality.

Question 7) How do you use Myers Briggs Personalities to do a character arc?

I search for the personality type and their fatal flaw in relationships. Since I'm writing romance before the suspense fixing their relationship flaws is the most important flaw for them to work on.

Thought Catalog's article Each Myers-Briggs Type's Fatal Flaw In Relationships (And What To Do About It) by Kathryn Stanley says for ENTP

Fatal flaw: Unreliability It’s not so much that the ENTP wants to be unreliable as it is that the ENTP has got a lot going on. Knowledgeable and curious, ENTPs are natural risk-takers, constantly brainstorming ideas and – more so than almost any other type – actually acting on their visions, often without thinking much about consequences or how those who love them might be impacted. Though their charismatic nature and quick-witted cleverness will attract many, it’s their tendency to not want to feel an obligation to others or as if others need them that can make their partners feel neglected in their relationships. For partners who require a lot of attention and validation, the ENTP’s unreliable and occasionally “selfish” nature will put a lot of strain on the relationship.

What to do about it: For the love of God, do not stop saving the world. But know when you need to work on creating balance. While you’ll do best alongside a partner who values independence and can assert themselves, it’ll also be important that you learn to self-monitor. Knowing when to check in with your partner and see how they’re feeling can do a lot for upping for your reliability factor. If you can show your partner that they’re just as important as everything else that you’re taking on, they’ll be willing to stick it out while you’re out there being Batman. At the same time, carefully consider who you choose as a potential partner. You’re likely someone who easily connects with a lot of people, and with your desire to prove a point occasionally at the forefront of your actions, you may find yourself in relationships for the wrong reasons.

Question 8)How do you casting the character?

I like to pick photos to base my characters off of. You will often find me browsing the application Pinterest you can follow me there.

Most of my female characters are women of curves and when searching for a plus sized model I found the perfect one for Emily.

Question 9) Is Emily based on a famous person?

Yes! Johanna Dray.

Question 10) Who is Johanna Dray?

Johanna Dray is a plus-sized model known for her curvy figure and stunning looks. She has thick, curly hair and striking features that give her a unique and captivating look. Her curves are a source of pride for her, and she has become an advocate for body positivity and self-love. Johanna's confidence and beauty make her the perfect fit for the character of Emily Knox in "Fire from Ashes".

Question 11) Does Emily have any abnormalities?

Yes she's left handed.

She's also OCD

Question 12) What is the lie she believes?

It's only a matter of time before what you love is taken from you so pick wisely and love hard.

I hope you enjoyed this journey with me and Emily.

In this blog, I've introduced the newest member of the Fire Series family, Emily Knox. We've explored the inspiration behind her character, the tools used to create and write her, and even a bit about the model who inspired her appearance. Emily's character is one of strength and determination, facing many challenges and obstacles throughout the story. I hope you've enjoyed this journey with us and look forward to introducing you to Emily in "Fire from Ashes".

What History Forgot


Crimson Peak

Girl with Dogs

I just got my copy this week of this journal by Brandy Bullock you can get it here and her other journals.

I'll be doing a stream that day to help raise awareness and raise money for our charity of the year Meals on Wheels America. You can subscribe and click the bell to my YouTube channel.

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