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  • Writer's pictureS. A. Crow

12 Questions about my Romance Suspense Novel Character; Nate

Are you a fan of romance and suspense novels? Do you love to get lost in the complex lives of characters who are torn between love and danger? If so, you won't want to miss this deep dive into the character of Nate, the protagonist of an upcoming romance suspense novel. In this article, we'll explore 12 key questions about Nate, delving into his background, motivations, strengths, and weaknesses. Join us as we take a closer look at this captivating character and the world he inhabits.

Welcome to the Fire Series, a collection of standalone romance suspense novels linked by the unbreakable bond of friendship. The first two books, "Into the Fire" and "The Fire Inside," have already captured the hearts of readers everywhere. And now, we're excited to announce the upcoming release of the third novel in the series, "If the Seas Catch Fire," set to hit bookstores in December 2023.

I’m drafting the 5th novel, we'll follow the story of Nate, a complex and captivating character torn between love and danger. As we delve deeper into his background, motivations, strengths, and weaknesses, we'll be taken on a thrilling journey of suspense and romance that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

So buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable ride through the Fire Series, where friendship is as strong as family and love and danger are always just around the corner.

Who is Nate?

Nate Rahner a.k.a. Quiet Death a nickname he picked up in the U.S. Navy SEALS. He is 32 and born in Hawaii. His heritage is Hawaiian, German, Irish, Pawnee.

If I had a chance to cast someone to play Nate in a movie?

It would be Jason Mamoa

His motto in life is?

Men of few words are the best men. -William Shakespeare

What is his childhood like?

He was born in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii to his Hawaiian and Irish mother and his Naval officer German and Pawnee father. He had little interaction with his father. As an only child his mother worked hotel jobs to support them both. She remarried again to an abusive Naval officer. She then moved Nate and herself to a private community far off from the main islands that encourages getting back to their Polynesian roots.

How is he connected to the others in the Fire Series?

He went through BUDs SEAL tryouts with Tony, Walt, Eliot, Malcolm, Vin, Dustin, and Brian.

What is his personality type?

ISTP stands for Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving. This personality type is often described as practical, independent, and adaptable. ISTPs are known for their hands-on approach to problem-solving and their ability to stay calm in high-pressure situations. They are often skilled at mechanical tasks and enjoy working with their hands. ISTPs value their independence and are often reserved, preferring to work alone or in small groups. They are natural problem-solvers and are quick to adapt to new situations. However, they can sometimes be seen as insensitive or blunt in their communication style.

What is his positive traits?

Nate has had several positive role models in his life, including his mother, who taught him the importance of loyalty and hard work, and his uncle, on the island who instilled in him a sense of duty and honor. The Navy and his SEALs instructors also played a significant role in shaping his character, teaching him discipline, teamwork, and perseverance. And of course, his teammate Tony, the team leader, has been a constant source of inspiration and guidance for Nate throughout his career. These role models have helped Nate become the skilled and dedicated professional he is today, and have instilled in him a deep sense of loyalty and commitment to his team and his country.

What is his emotional wound?

Nate's emotional wound stems from his father's abandonment and rejection. Growing up, Nate had little interaction with his dad, a Naval officer who frequently left for long periods of time without warning or apology. His mother eventually remarried an abusive Naval officer, prompting her to move Nate and herself to a private community far off from the main islands. This experience left Nate with a deep-seated fear of rejection and an ingrained sense of self-blame, as he searched inwardly to determine what he may have done to contribute to the rejection. As a result, he struggles to form deep relationships with others and often keeps people at a distance, maintaining only shallow connections.

What is the lie that Nate believes?

Resulting from a parent's abandonment, Nate believes that he is unworthy of loyalty or love because he was only loved by his mother because she had to. He is biased against couples in normal relationships because he doesn't believe he can trust and he feels that "normal" relationships don't exist. He believes that people in authority will let you down because they only care about themselves, and people always leave when times get tough, like the guys did when the early outs were offered. If you let someone in, they will only hurt you, like his dad and stepfather did to his mother. He mistrusts new people coming in and keeps everything professional, closing down emotionally before people can get too close, maintaining shallow relationships. He is fiercely independent and doesn't take many risks to avoid possible rejection. Nate's lie causes him to think and behave in ways that are unbalanced or dysfunctional, often creating friction in relationships. This looks like him being apathetic, callous, cynical, humorless, inhibited, withdrawn. He is unable to maintain a real relationship with women and is unable to truly trust his team.

What are some of his embarrassing moments?

One embarrassing moment for Nate was when he got drunk at a team celebration and became overly affectionate and goofy with his teammates. As an ISTP, he is naturally reserved and independent, but when he drinks, he becomes more outgoing and playful. His teammates found his behavior amusing, but Nate was mortified and regretful the next day, feeling like he had let his guard down too much and shown too much emotion in front of his colleagues.

What is his best memory?

Finishing SEAL’s BUD’s Hell Week and getting into the SEAL program with the buddies he made.

His favorite movie?

An underappreciated film noir The Crimson Kimono (1959)

A Game of Thrones

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5 Year Journal


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